Wednesday, June 15, 2016

A Month Into MLM and Learning More Daily

    I am not going to lie, I never once considered myself a salesperson in my life. I have always felt weird trying to sell items to friends and family. I have been known to craft items to sell on Etsy or eBay. But that was always to strangers. Now, I have taken on the first steps to network marketing and so far, this is what I have learned.

1. It's Hard
    Don't let anyone ever tell you differently. There is no get rich quick scheme to MLM. And true MLM is no pyramid scheme (which I have heard a few times). I literally work from my phone all day long. I am friending people on Facebook from around the world (I get a lot of "Do I know you messages"), I am posting about my products and how I use them, and I am constantly trying to find new things to post about or new ways to promote myself.

2. You're Going to Lose Friends
    There, I said it. You are going to lose friends. Some people will unfriend you saying that you post too much sale-sy stuff now and not enough real life stuff. There will be others that unfriend you saying that you won't make it and when you realize that, you can request them again. My advice for you for those people? LET THEM GO! You don't need negativity in your life when you are trying to change your life. Because seriously, that is what you are doing.

3. You're Going to Make Friends
    The right kind of friends. I now have a circle of "Y Sisters" who are available anytime I have a question. They are always there to give me a high five or a "You got this" when I need it most. It's like having your own cheerleading squad with you where ever you go. Who doesn't want that?

4. Keep Going
    You have to. I'm only a month into this, and there have been moments where I have thought I am not cut out for this. But, you know what? I just go back to adding friends and finding images on Pinterest. Keep reaching out to people. I have to believe that all of my hard work has to pay off. There are women in my upline making ten grand or more a month! They aren't any better than me. They didn't get any boosts or special treatments. We are all provided with a website, access to all of the products, and amazing women around that are willing to help you learn. The difference between them and me? They haven't quit and they have put in the time. They have created their own downline and helped other women. The key to succeeding here is to have a whole bunch of women working together, each doing a little bit of work. It all adds up.

Well, that's my line for the day. I hope that if you have read it, it has helped you a little bit. I plan on keeping up with this blog. I want to chronicle my journey through this business. Show you that if I can do it (as a full time worker and mother to 4 crazy boys) that anyone can do this! I hope you will join me and we can do this together!

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